PROFIL PRACOWNIKA: Joanna Mikołajczyk




2010 obtaining a doctoral degree in law;

Since 2011, the content supervisor of the Student Legal Information Point "Law Clinic - Clinic of Children's Rights" at the Faculty of Law of the University of Łódź: civil law and administrative law section;

Supervisor in the "I know my rights" program since 2012, and coordinator of the "I know my rights" program since 2021;

Since 2014, supervisor of directional student internships of the WPiA of the University of Łódź, for the majors of administration and social policy;

2017 entry on the list of attorneys at the District Bar Council in Lodz;

Since 2022, faculty coordinator of the "Talented Student Great Student" program;

As of 2023, a part-time member of the Local Government Appeal Board in Sieradz;

-Gaining a TUTOR certificate and completing a 64-hour tutoring course as part of the 4th edition of the Collegium Wratislaviense School of Academic Tutors

-Completion of postgraduate studies in Educational Management at the Faculty of Management of the University of Łódź - June 2021.

-Didactic activity is also expressed in conducting a series of lectures within the framework of ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility - Teaching Assignments: Agricultural law at: European Humanities University in Vilnius; Agricultural law at: Vilnius University, Food law at: Vilnius University, Traditions and change in Polish agricultural law and food law at: Vilnius University.

-Collaboration with external entities, which provides an excellent platform for the exchange of experience and demonstration of the relationship between theory and practice (as evidenced by numerous training courses, among others: for Chambers of Notaries, Chambers of Bailiffs).


Conducting research on the issue of trading in agricultural real estate, taking into account aspects of administrative procedure and agricultural European funds (among others: Turnover of agricultural real estate in the light of recent changes introduced by the Act of 14 April 2016 - selected issues, Folia Iuridica 2016; Functions of the preamble in the Act on shaping the agricultural system - STUDIA IURIDICA LUBLINENSIA XXVI, Lublin 2017; Agricultural real estate in notarial practice, Warsaw 2017, Wolters Kluwer; [co-author with P. Księżak] Family farm in inheritance law - is it possible to solve the conflict of constitutional values? [in:] European integration as a determinant of rural policy. Legal aspects. P. Litwiniuk (ed.), Warsaw 2017, Publisher: Foundation of Assistance Programs for Agriculture FAPA; Execution from Agricultural Property [in:] Contemporary Problems of Agricultural and Civil Law. Jubilee Book of Professor Teresa Kurowska, D, Łobos-Kotowska, P. Gała, M. Stańko (eds.), Warsaw 2018, Publisher: Foundation of Assistance Programs for Agriculture FAPA) makes it possible to put in order the regulation of turnover, diversified in terms of sources or terminology. This serves the renewal of legal-agricultural institutions - anchored in the Civil Code, and linked to administrative interference, facilitates the process of lawmaking and application.

Other publications oscillating around real estate issues (including: Zagospodarowanie nieruchomości rolnych położonych w granicach administracyjnych miast na cele mieszkaniowe [in:] Z zagadnień systemu prawa: księga jubileuszowa Profesora Paweł Czechowskiego, A. Niewiadomski, K. Marciniuk, P. Litwiniuk (ed.), Warsaw 2021, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne.

-Agricultural real estate (I. Introductory issues; II. Subject matter scope of UstRolU; III. Agricultural real estate excluded from the scope of the UstRolU; IV. Agricultural holding) [in:] Praxis. Notariat. Czynności notarialne, A.J. Szereda (ed.), Warsaw 2021, C.H.Beck Publishing House.

-Forest land (I. Introductory issues; II. Legal status of forest land as a component of an agricultural holding; III. Concept of forest in LasU) [in:] Praxis. Notarization. Notarial acts, A.J. Szereda (ed.), Warsaw 2021, C.H.Beck Publishing House.

-Civil Code as a Legal Basis for Defining the Term: An Agricultural Holding, EASTERN EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL RELATIONS 2021 Vol. 5 No. 1) contribute to the solution of many practical problems situated at the interface of administrative and civil law.


-Lodz University Rector's Award - 3rd degree individual award (activities within the Law Clinic - 2016).


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