Faculty of Law and Administration
Address: 8/12 Kopcińskiego St. 90-232 Łódź



The Center for the Theory and Philosophy of Human Rights was established on the 14th of December, 2012 on the initiative of the Institute of the Theory and Philosophy of Law at the University of Lodz in Poland. Lodz is the second largest city in Poland.

The primary aim of the Center is to work on projects focusing on the better application of the theory and philosophy of human rights in European and international capacity development practice as well as with regard to interpretation of human rights internationally and within national legal systems. We wish to develop networks/pilot projects that originate in both Visegrad Group countries and in the Nordic region - also initially reaching out to, among others, countries like Turkey and Belarus.



The Center is formally registered under the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Lodz in Poland. It currently has the following members of staff:

Prof. Bartosz Wojciechowski, University of Lodz, Poland, Director
Prof. Jacek Chlebny, University of Lodz, Poland, Deputy Director
Prof. Joanna Lam, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Joanna Kielin – Maziarz, Leon Kozminski Academy, Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Karolina M. Cern, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, Scientific Secretary

Scientific and Advisory Board

Prof. Marek Zirk – Sadowski (Lodz University, Poland)

Prof. Gudmundur Alfredsson (University of Strasbourg, France)
Prof. Seyla Benhabib (Yale University, USA)
Prof. Marcia Nina Bernardes (Center for Human Rights, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil iTulane Law School, New Orlean, USA)
Prof. Nils A. Butenschön (Director of the Norwegian Center for Human Rights, University of Oslo, Norway)
Prof. Adam Czarnota (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Prof. Christian Dahlman (Lund University, Sweden)
Prof. John Gardner (Oxford University, Great Britain)
Dr. Jack B. Hamlin (National University San Diego, California, USA)
Prof. Lena Halldenius (Head of the Division of Human Rights Studies, Lund University, Sweden)
Prof. Frederick Harhoff (University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Denmark)
Prof. Roman Hauser (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)
Prof. Andrzej M. Kaniowski (Lodz University, Poland)
Prof. Jan Klabbers (Director of the Centre of Excellence in Global Governance Research, University of Helsinki, Finland)
Prof. Timo Koivurova, Director of the Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority LawArctic Centre, University of Lapland, Finland
Prof. Martin Krygier (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Prof. Stefan Larsson (Lund University, Sweden)
Prof. Ulf Linderfalk (Lund University, Sweden)
Prof. Jose Manuel ArosoLinhares (Coimbra University, Portugal)
Prof. Georg Lohmann (University of Magdeburg, Germany)
Dr. Nina – Louisa Lorenz Arold (Germany)
Prof. Joanna Marszałek - Kawa (Mikolaj Kopernik University of Torun, Poland)
Prof. Anna Młynarska – Sobaczewska (LodzUniversity, Poland)
Prof. Ulfried Neumann (J. W. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany)
Prof. Ewa Nowak (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)
Prof. Henrik Palmer Olsen (University of Copenhaga, Denmark)
Prof. Beata Polanowska – Sygulska (JagiellonianUniversity, Poland)
Prof. Radim Polcak (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
Prof. Frank S. Ravitch (Michigan State University, USA)
Prof. Lea Bishop Shaver (Indiana University, USA)
Prof. Janusz Trzciński (University of Wroclaw, Poland)
Dr. Victor Tsilonis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
Prof. Elaine Unterhalter (University of London, Great Britain)
Prof. Gülriz Uygur (Ankara University, Turkey)
Prof. Antal Visegrady (University of Pecsu, Hungary)
Prof. Anne Wagner (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale (France), China University of Political Science and Law (Beijing - China)
Prof. Barbara Weber (University of Regensburg, Germany and University of Vancouver, Canada)
Prof. Jerzy Zajadło (University of Gdansk, Poland)

Preparatory Meetings on the Development of a Program on the Theory and Philosophy of Human Rights for the Ankara University

Funded by the Swedish General Consulate in Istanbul
During the period 1 September – 31 December, 2013

Short Summary of Project

In 2013, a grant was received from the Swedish General Consulate in Istanbul for the development of a program on the theory and philosophy of human rights for the Ankara University. The project, which was managed by Cenher Lund, was implemented during the period 1 September to 31 December, 2013. It included the organization of two expert meetings, one in Lund, Sweden and one in Ankara, Turkey, which were dedicated to discussing the structure and content of a program proposal. In December, 2013, a proposal for a three year assistance program was presented on the development of the capacity of the Ankara University to provide education in the area of the theory and philosophy of human rights and its practical application with regard to the process of harmonization of Turkish law and legal practicewith the common European legal culture.










Kwestie publicznego zainteresowania / Public Concerns


Tożsamość kultury prawnej / Identity of Legal Culture.
(free) https://repozytorium.amu.edu.pl/jspui/handle/10593/11454/browse?type=title&submit_browse=Tytuł


Szkoła filozofii / The School of Philosophy. 
(free) https://repozytorium.amu.edu.pl/jspui/handle/10593/11453/browse?type=title&submit_browse=Tytuł


Światem zadziwieni / Marvelled at the World.
(free) https://repozytorium.amu.edu.pl/jspui/handle/10593/5406/browse?type=title&submit_browse=Tytuł


Filozofia ma znaczenie! / Philosophy Matters!
(free) https://repozytorium.amu.edu.pl/jspui/handle/10593/4833/browse?type=title&submit_browse=Tytuł

Constitutional Consciousness as a Remedy for the Crisis of Discourse and Democracy Deficit in the European Union 

In Lithuanian: Konstitucinė sąmonė kaip diskurso krizės ir demokratijos trūkumo Europos Sąjungoje šalinimo priemonė 

The main aim of the research project is to point out that increasing citizens’ constitutional consciousness – as foundations for constitutional patriotism – may create an alternative form of building a European identity. Current “democracy deficit”/“public legitimacy crisis” may be examined not solely from European, but also from individual perspective. The level of social consciousness about the role of public institutions (mainly in the area of human rights protection, the law created and applied by the state and – extensively – rights and duties regarding common good) corresponds with the level of constitutional identity. The quality of particular importance is diversity that is prior to the concept of legal (constitutional) identity and also to self-determination of individual citizen and then the entire society. The individual consciousness being shaped in the process of European integration (meaning not solely the EU, but also the European system of human rights protection) should be examined more intently. There is a need for redefining patriotism arising from the sense of national identity as well as from constitutional principles and values and from the constitutional traditions common to the EU member states. Patriotism, including its constitutional aspect, remains an ambiguous notion, since it does not directly refer to any nation or culture. A reliable basis for its definition is provided by the constitution, not an ethnic or cultural liaisons. This determines its civic, universal and democratic nature. Nevertheless, it does not ignore the national aspect, but points out its subsidiary role. 

The task determined requires answering the following questions: 1) whether the constitutional consciousness covers solely positivist constitutional principles or may it also cover dynamic legal interpretation that serves the social integration around certain values; 2) is it practicable to strengthen the citizens’ sense of empowerment by increasing their participation in democratic institutions and by undertaking activities in order to base the constitutional consciousness not only on written rules and principles, but also on values (such as: democracy, liberty, common good) that may be considered universal; 3) whether the constitutional patriotism, shaped by social consciousness, may be translated from a national into the European (Union) level. The “democracy deficit” and the ongoing changes in the contemporary states create a need for research on content of national and constitutional identity and relations between them as well as on legitimacy and recognition grounds for the rules of common social order. First of all it is essential to determine the systems of values as a community-integrating factor. Then it will seem plausible only with an assumption that the constitution is in fact a sort of a social contract and a legal order arising from such contract is an expression of the tradition common to the European culture.  

The research based on empirical factors (legal acts, case-law), also involves the theoretical and dogmatic knowledge. The two levels will be visibly separated: descriptive and projecting. The analysis employing all canonical methods of legal interpretation shall lead to statements containing demands and de lege ferenda motions. The research also involves a comparative method and will be conducted at the institutional level in Poland and Lithuania (“young democracies”) as well as in the “old democracies” of Europe, where the role of tradition and legal culture for developing constitutional consciousness is particularly stressed (Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain). There is also a need for implementing sociologic methods in reference to the EU crisis experienced at the individual and social level. 

The research subject is taken up due to the importance and validity of constitutional consciousness and patriotism for the legal studies. It attempts to present that the abstract philosophical construct may be translated to the legal practice within both constitutional and European (Union) law and subsequently expressed in domestic and European case-law. The results shall influence the development of legal science by linking the concept of patriotism directly with certain institutions of constitutional and European law. There is also a practical value – examination of crisis and democracy deficit on the national level concerning individual perspective. The research findings will be published in a collective monograph (in Polish and in English) – the partial findings also as separate papers in Polish and in foreign academic journals. They will be also presented at an academic conference. 

The assumed added value covers: an exchange of legal thought, creating and reinforcing an academic network that will contribute to further cooperative research on essential problems of contemporary Europe; organizing joint conferences and academic seminars; popularization of Polish science in the world; improving the quality of teaching at universities by means of publications concerning vital issues.  


Research project no. 2017/27/L/HS5/03245 entitled “Constitutional Consciousness as a Remedy for the Crisis of Discourse and Democracy Deficit in the European Union”, funded by the National Science Center under Decision No. DEC-2017/27/L/HS5/03245.

Projekt badawczy nr 2017/27/L/HS5/03245 pt. „Świadomość konstytucyjna jako remedium na kryzys dyskursu i deficyt demokracji w Unii Europejskiej”, finansowany przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki na podstawie decyzji nr DEC-2017/27/L/HS5/03245.



Anna Chmielarz-Grochal, Obywatelska inicjatywa ustawodawcza jako instytucja demokracji deliberatywnej i wyraz świadomości konstytucyjnej, „Roczniki Administracji i Prawa” 2019, nr XIX (zeszyt specjalny), s. 33–47.


Anna Chmielarz-Grochal, Anna Kalisz, Realizacja konwencyjnych standardów prawa do sądu przez sądy administracyjne, „Państwo i Prawo” 2020, z. 1, s. 71–94.


Anna Chmielarz-Grochal, Jarosław Sułkowski, Zmiany w systemie polskiej administracji wyborczej a problem zaufania obywateli do rzetelności i uczciwości procedur wyborczych (kilka refleksji w kontekście świadomości konstytucyjnej wyborców), „Roczniki Administracji i Prawa” 2020, nr XIX, t. 2, s. 45–59.


Anna Chmielarz-Grochal, Działanie w celu poddania eksterminacji dziecka pochodzenia żydowskiego. Glosa do wyroku Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z 24.05.2017 r., II OSK 2433/15, „Państwo i Prawo” 2020, z. 11, s. 140–148.


Anna Chmielarz-Grochal, Jarosław Sułkowski, La (in)dependencia del Poder Judicial en Polonia. Sobre la subordinación de los jueces al poder político, „Teoria y realidad constitucional” 2021, nr 47, s. 299–322.


Anna Chmielarz-Grochal, Jarosław Sułkowski, O potrzebie świadomej konstytucjonalizacji statusu zwierząt, „Państwo i Prawo” 2021, z. 9, s. 3–23.


Bartosz Wojciechowski, Teoretycznoprawne założenia roli zasad prawnych w procesie stosowania prawa, „Zeszyty Naukowe Sądownictwa Administracyjnego” 2021, nr 3–4, s. 19–33.


Magdalena Kolczyńska, Does the EU have a Substitute for a Constitution? The Rule of Law and Common Identity,Vilnius University Open Series, 2020, doi: 10.15388/OS.LAW.2020.9, s. 98–107.


Magdalena Kolczyńska, On the Content of the Human Right to a Nationality,„Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne Studia nad Prawem” 2021, nr 3, s. 176–194.


Anna Kalisz, Bartosz Wojciechowski, „Standardy niezależności sądów i niezawisłości sędziowskiej – wybrane zagadnienia na przykładzie orzecznictwa sądów

Europejskich”, Przegląd Sejmowy nr 5(172)/2022, s. 261-282.

12_Anna Kalisz_Bartosz Wojciechowski_PS_2022_5(172)_A.pdf

Mariusz J.Golecki, Bartosz Wojciechowski, THE INTENTIONALITY, INTERSUBJECTIVITY, AND CAUSABILITY OF CIVIL LAW TRANSACTIONS”, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Iuridica 100, 2022, s. 65-81.


Anna Kalisz, Bartosz Wojciechowski, Glosa do Wyroku Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w sprawie Moraru vs. Rumunia z dnia 8 listopada 2022 r. – dyskryminacja na gruncie „warunku dostępu do pracy i nauki”, Przegląd Sejmowy nr 2(175)/2023, s. 157-168.

7_Anna Kalisz_Bartosz Wojciechowski_PS_2023_2(175)_A.pdf

Bartosz Wojciechowski, Skirgail Zalimiene, „The only good nation imagination”, Intellectum 17/2023, s. 13-27.

Intellectum Wojciechowski Zalimiene.pdf



Marcin J. Byczyński, Społeczne oraz instytucjonalne wymiary uznania w teorii Axela Honnetha, Jurysprudencja 17, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2021, ss. 276.



Publikacje z Grantu - link do pobrania



program seminarium: Polish-Lithuanian Seminar - 6.06.2019

program konferencji: Liability of Administrative Judges -  6.05.2021

program seminarium: Seminar organised by the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania and Vilnius University FAculty of Law - 8.04.2022 

program konferencji: The European Day of Lay Judges 2022  - 13-15.05.2022

 -  Prezentacja : The moral responsibility of judges in the face of bad law - B.Wojciechowski 

program sympozjum:  5th International Symposium of Heatlthy Rivers and Sustainable Water Resources Management 8-9.06.2022

- Prezentacja: Why do lawyers need knowledge of WBSRCE (Water, Biodiversity, ecosystem Services, Resilience, Culture, Education)? - B.Wojciechowski 


Al About Tenderness Wszystko o Czułosci Sept 2022 Plan konferencji TYMCZASOWY Wszystko o czułości-1.pdf

program konferencji w Coimbrze: III Luso Polish PROGRAMA (1).pdf

prezentacja B.Wojciechowski Konferencja w Rzymie 2023 - Narrative identity and human beings’ legal subjectivity.pptx


prezentacja B.Wojciechowski - The Choice of a Way of Life and the Consciousness of a Fundamental Rights.pptx

prezentacja B.Wojciechowski Tożsamość narracyjna jako warunek autentycznej podmiotowości prawnej,  seminarium Poznań 2023  - Tożsamość narracyjna.pptx